Barcham Trees Plc

Horticulture & Gardening Services

Barcham Trees Plc is based near Ely, Cambridgeshire, and specialises in the production of instant impact containerised trees. We grow over 200,000 trees per year on our 300-acre nursery, and use our patented Light Pot growing system to produce roots that are geared for quick establishment and trees that we can guarantee.
Since we started our nursery in the 1980s we have supplied over one million instant impact trees into the UK urban environment, so you are never too far away from a Barcham Tree! Unlike most other tree nurseries, we grow many of our trees from scratch, so ours is a truly British product. We have a stringent bio-security policy and do not buy in product from abroad to sell straight out again, as we strongly believe this compromises the nation's bio-security and increases the threat of pest and disease.
01353 720950
Eye Hill Drove Nr Soham
United Kingdom
By Appointment to:
King Colour
HM The King
Specialists Container Tree Growers

Company contacts

Michael Glover
Managing Director
01353 720748